Monday, June 10, 2013

Modern technology: an investment or a waste of money?

Hello youuu !!

In less than a day and a half I am going to have to sustain the written part of the CAE exam and I couldn't be more nervous about it and less confident. I trust that I will know what to do and that I will concentrate, but what if, what if? So I am now trying to revise, to write an article, a letter of whatever, a proposal, a report. But I can't. I know what to write, but I just can't write it. So I'm going to type the article instead, haha. It's an interesting subject, so maybe you would like to read iiit:3

" Technology is know to have been and to be constantly evolving. There are more and more devices on the growing market, all claiming to be of use, to be able to make our day-to-day lives easier, but are they actually capable of doing so? Certainly, examples can be given for both useful and useless devices, but to which extent can we appreciate their function?

Communication and information are the most inportant aspects of life nowadays, so without access to them, what would you do? What devices could one not live without? The cellphone, which you can take wherever you go, enables you to talk to whomever ou want to. A computer and an Internet connection gives you the possibility to find any piece of information you might be looking for. Without a means of communication and a means of finding data, how could you possibly live in and be part of a society that depends entirely and the use of social skills and the exchange of knowledge? To be able to find imense amount of data with just a few clicks and maybe an interested mind will never cease to be of help, to make living easier.

There is no question that we do depend on technology, but we could still go by without some machines. Currently, you can see in shops mini-laptops or notebooks. I am certain most people would be able to work a a normal laptop instead of a a miniature version of it. That, and maybe the cellphones of the size of a brick are disposable, as are maybe some other machines only rich people are able to purchase. 

Depending on each person's lifestyle, a gadget can be either a waste of money or a way of saving their precious time. Technology is important, but should we get caught in its toils? It depends on you, and you alone."

Now I am off to bed, as fights and examens can really cause you to be a wreck emotionally.


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