Sunday, May 27, 2012



I know I've said it countless times, but music is really like breathing for me. I can't study without it, I can't sleep without it, I can't do anything. When I feel down, music is there for me, when I feel happy, it's there again. No matter what my feelings are, it's always been there for me. A friend, even if he/she cares about you, he/she can't always be there. They've got their own lives to live and sometimes, when you're mad, they may be doing something else and you may find yourself in the position of ... having to find refuge in someone else... or something else. I, for one, find refuge in music. These are the songs that I've been listening this past week:

I have only one term paper left and then - a couple of tests I think. After all of that, I will be able to start learning how to enjoy life again, hah. I can't wait for it. I also want to start teaching my mum english again [ I am inspired by Bii on this one ]. Here comes a summer full of projects.


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